About me.
Hi everyone, I am Vadim from Ukraine. I started playing basketball at 22 years old, I am an strong orthodox christian.
In the past i was a computer addict for about 10 years, trying to make it in the MOBA pro gaming, end up unthealthy, fat, depressed and had no sence to live. But my Saviour God, Jesus saved me and He gave me a treasure - orthodox church and its wisdom, the FAITH! He set me free from that addiction and i found a new VISION of my life.
Also i am full of sh*t... Like honestly i have so many opportunities and people around me right now (you would read below) that i didn`t appriciate as much as i needed to move towards my vision.
For exaple Dillon and his programs, i bought killer intinct and was not consistend half-assing and didn`t finished the program and untill you know, it disapparated, due to Dillon making a new web-site.
Same goes with basketballbrain program. I mean i have it almost for 2 years and guess how many weeks i was doing the drills straight? yep - ZERO.
Dillon said it best in one video about how GREATNESS - is PART TIME JOB.
And how consistency is what people lack the MOST. (Tom Brady recent HOF speach - said the same).
And how Dillon laid all the things neccessary to do for FREE in one of his YT videos and captured is: "The Ultimate Shooting Method: Most won't do it though"
Most WON`T DO IT though!!!! Yea, me either.
I am 6-6*1ft in height and always wanted to be taller and the though that i am that height was always limiting my basketball potential, but not at first, because at first i was thinking i am gonna be like Denis Rodman and have a late growth spurt at the age of 22 from 6ft to 6.8, but it didn`t happened.
Here is was happend...
When I first picked up the ball, I said to myself, I am gonna be the best basketball player. This thought came to me and I accepted it, never once in my life have I felt that my confidence about something that I have no clue about, even the rules. I had to go through a lot, and I mean a lot. From everyone, even family members saying it’s too late, you have no chance, find a job or else…. As the time passed, I was able to find the best personal trainer in Ukraine and started to work with him, I am his first student, because I just found him after he finished his professional carrier and he doesn’t trained anyone at all. I found the gym to play at the winter, because the first winter when I started playing basketball, I would go outside and my arms will be dead cold but I would shoot with awful technic anyone, I even have a videos of it haha. But then as I said, I found a personal trainer, then the gym, then the team. Now I play for college team, if compared to USA level it’s like D3.
I have improved a lot fundamentally sound, for now I have to learn how to use all of my skills in the game in the right moment, need more experience. Plus to train my mind to be consistent and sharp.
Now, I am 24, I live in country where we have war, no male (only under 18 can) can cross the country, and the ones who not students, go at war. The basketball in our country is dying (although it never was alive, because there is corruption and no interest in infrastructure), so in Ukraine basketball is on the 10th place by population…
I don’t know where I will end up in the end of my journey and where my relentless drive, vision and belief will take me, but I sure that something magical will occur.
But as from day one I was sure that somehow, someway I will find the trainer, the gym, the team and be the best player ever… now I have a trainer, gym, and team.
As Larry Bird said: I have an idea that if you give 100% all the time, somehow things will work out at the end.
While writing it, I caught myself that I want to pick-up that same irrational confidence and self-belief that I have at the start of the journey, because back then I was unstoppable, hope I can accomplish it and reach my full potential with killer instinct community and program.
It`s interesting how i will couple it with my orthodox christianity.
Also i would show you how i was looking alike back then( on the top of right side on the photo is how i looks like), and i will Link to my YT channel where i will share my Journey and progress.
Also i`ve got a notebook where i will write down notes of what i learned from Videos and Killer instinct/ BB program. Main thoughts and key notes.
08.07.2024. I made a dicision to take my VISION and LIFE serious and show what a faith and hard work can created... A masterpiece, a beautiful jorney, one that others will inspire from!
Will i be a person that will hold his word and not a bullsh*ter? live out my full potential and reach not only my Vision but also millions of people? Well... No one knows, but i am sure of one thing i will give my all, TRULY!!! ALL-IN.
Just had to remmember that -
Disruption ALWAYS Follows Intention...
It Begins Now!
Peace and blessing to all.
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Vadym Chabanyuk
About me.
Killer Instinct
Created for people dedicated to living life at the highest possible level.
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