Mar '22 (edited) in Blockchain
Klever Mainnet Pre-Staking Master Plan Proposal #01
To start the migration of KLV to KleverChain mainnet, we will promote a new staking event with 100% APR. Here is the proposal:
  • Announcement: 25-03 Announces pause of all staking contracts and withdrawal deadline.
  • Contract Pause: 20-04 Pauses all staking contracts.
  • Pause Announcement: Announces the contract pause and instructions.
  • New Pre-staking Contract: From 25-04 to 26-07 100% APR.
  • Pre-Staking Claim: Can claim when contract ends, coins delivered on mainnet wallet.
  • Pre-Staking Contract APR: 100%.
  • Pre-Staking End: 26-07.
  • 1 KFI Reward for every 10K KLV withdrawal at contract end date.
  • Funds Source: Klever Foundation Treasury.
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Not Approved
299 votes
Dio Ianakiara
Klever Mainnet Pre-Staking Master Plan Proposal #01
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