All of your lives are great, but today’s live you seemed to be really in the moment and speaking from the heart!
Possible Suggestion (take it with a grain of salt): Is there anyway you can upload this to TikTok and maybe add an advertisement at the end to “Join Life Coach Andrew’s Skool community.” Then pin it on your Tik Tok. This is literally your testimonial video or similar to when people have a coming to Jesus moment they give their testimony why they became Christian, Buddhist, or Hindu etc.
A lot of people will ask what your credentials are in your TikTok Lives, and this really gives insight into your journey and establishes your credibility. I kind of chuckled when you used to “be in the closet” listening to life coach podcasts. There used to be a joke that people commuting into NYC would secretly read the NY Post (basically a trashy tabloid) underneath a NYT or Wall Street Journal newspaper. 📰 I’m so glad you CONFIDENTLY own the Life Coach title.