Change your perception
Don’t try to change the world
Change the way you perceive it, and you will consequently shift to a parallel reality that matches your perception
It’s a universal principle that cannot fail
What you see, is energy, responding to the idea you have of it
This has been proven (double slit experiment)
So, it's not about what you see
It’s about what you think/feel you see
When you "look" and then, stop thinking about what you are looking at, then you can feel like you are looking at 1 million dollars, or you can feel like you are in a divine relationship, and then the law will reflect that because that is what is being impressed to your subconscious mind
That’s why identifying with imagination is a very valid thing to do, and Its not crazy or delusional at all
It’s simply using what you have most efficiently
Your subconscious mind doesn't think
It accepts what you feel to be true
Even if it is not physically true
And even if your reasoning mind tries to deny it
And even if your physical senses try to deny it
The key is to not think and tap into your “ I AM “
Identifying with your imagination, means simply getting this idea/truth imprinted in your mind
That means you have to remind yourself of this truth
Light and love.
Daniel Jensen
Change your perception
Learn the cheat codes to life that will 30x your results with manifestation
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