The one thing!
What's the one thing that you have been putting off or neglecting to do because you don't like it.
Mine has been cardio. I love lifting weights but I despise traditional cardio. I love sports and can run around the fields but Stairmaster/Treadmill/Eliptical make me want to puke.
With that said I took updated progress photos 2 days ago and I immediately was disappointed in myself. I knew I haven't been doing what I needed to do to trim off this extra fat layer I have lingering around.
Yesterday I did 30 min stair master hitting 2000 steps and 127 floor climed
Today I did 15 min treadmill incline 15% at 3.3 mph and then 15min seated bike lvl 14 for 15min
Keeping my heatrate in the 70% target range.
What's the one thing you've been neglecting?
David Smith
The one thing!
Lifting Power Tools
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