[Start Here] Welcome to the Lovebirds community!
Hey friend! 👋
My name is Travis Clark. I am a Marriage Coach and I've been helping both engaged and married couples fast track their dream marriage for over 10 years. I'm also a coffee snob, wannabe surfer, and die hard Golden State Warriors fan. But best of all, the greatest joys of my life is being a husband and a dad.
I'm really glad that you are here and a part of this community. I've been married for 17 years and while I've learned a lot of lessons (many I'll share in this space!), probably the greatest lesson of all is this:
My marriage is healthiest and strongest when I am journeying with others.
I know, it's not surprising. And yet, after coaching hundreds of couples for over a decade, I have found that so many couples are all on their own trying to figure out how to build their dream marriage. Sadly, I have seen many marriages fall apart that did so unnecessarily. And oftentimes, had they just had a healthy community surrounding them, they would have been able to make it.
That's what I hope this space can become for you. A really healthy and safe space for you to share your experiences, glean some wisdom from other married couples who are ahead of you, and for you to surround yourself with other couples that genuinely want to see you WIN in your marriage. 🎉
So here's what I want you to do next:
⚡️ Take 30-seconds and introduce yourself to the community. Share your name, where you're from, and what you hope to get out of this community.
I'm excited to see this community grow and, most importantly, I'm excited to see YOU grow in your marriage. Welcome to the Lovebirds Community, friend!
– Travis
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Travis Clark
[Start Here] Welcome to the Lovebirds community!
The Couples Collective
The Couples Collective is a marriage mentoring group to help couples win in their marriages.
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