General Rules for a Thriving Community
  1. Share. Be kind, friendly, and give generous and cheerfully. Sharing is caring.
  2. Be a person of integrity. You are your word. Communicate openly. Be honest and transparent.
  3. Be Kind and Respectful: Treat everyone with kindness and respect, even if you disagree.
  4. No Bullying or Harassment: Bullying, hate speech, or harassment of any kind is not allowed.
  5. Stay On Topic: Keep discussions relevant to the topic at hand and avoid spamming.
  6. No self-promotions (unless in your profile) or affiliate links.
  7. Help Others: Be helpful, supportive, and collaborative to fellow members whenever possible.
  8. Respect Privacy: Don’t share anyone’s private information without their permission.
  9. Follow the Rules: Listen to the moderators and follow the community guidelines.
  10. Have Fun: Enjoy the community, learn, and connect with others!
Please comment below with "AGREED" if you commit to the above. Thank you! 😊🙏
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Ian Shen
General Rules for a Thriving Community
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