Question / Kind of a Pole for everyone.
I have always believed in what Joseph Prusa said. "Anyone can be a maker, I am a Printer". That is me, I print. Right now, since I am entirely a Linux company, no WinTendo anywhere, and I run everything with modest priced PCs, I have no access to CAD and really not a lot of interest in learning it.
Let me explain that, there is only so many hours in the day and so many things you can learn. I have 10+ printers here, with around 6-7 of them available at any point in time. It take time to prep, setup, properly slicer files, run test prints, and then start multiple printers up.
I personally do no have any time to do CAD, and honestly I don't believe you HAVE to do CAD to run a print farm. This does not mean you don't need someone who can do CAD, it just mean no one person has to do everything. Especially in a world where we can lic. designs.
Just wondering, who all here also is really not into CAD? Would rather lic. finished designs or possibly even work together to contract a shared CAD expert?
I may amend this to expand upon it, but this is kind of a start.
I probably should also add, I don't care to use off the shelf printers, the highest print quality comes from self sourced in-house built machines. So yes I have build numerous CoreXY machines and possess 500mm cubed machines.
I added this, since we have started to design a modular printer that can be layed out and scaled to what your printing requirements are. For example we have a client that prints computer keyboard cases. Well he needs width, but not height or length.
This will be an entire line of machines focused on print farms.
John Beima
Question / Kind of a Pole for everyone.
Make money 3d printing.
Start making money with your 3d printer.
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