Who am I ?
Hello everyone, my name is David. I was born and raised in Jamaica, and I moved to South Carolina a year ago. I believe it all happened for a reason.
I am new to the martial arts scene, having started on March 6, 2024. However, I have always loved watching karate movies with my dad. At first, I was a bit skeptical because I’m not a confrontational person. But I’ve realized that martial arts aren’t about confrontation—it’s an art form that can be applied in everyday life. I am currently a two-stripe white belt. Due to my work schedule, I haven’t been able to consistently train in Muay Thai, but I respect both art forms and pray that I become a decent practitioner of both.
My goals and aspirations are to achieve mental discipline, perform well under pressure, and learn lifelong skills. I know these skills will help me in my dream job of becoming a MARSOC operator and a MCMAP instructor. God willing, I’ll also be able to teach my future children.
I’d rather be a warrior in a garden than a gardener in a war.
A fun fact about me is that jiu-jitsu saved my life in more ways than others know. I was in a dark place mentally before I started, due to circumstances beyond my control. On my way to the academy, I was on the verge of giving up on life. But when I arrived, I met a brown belt who signed me up that day. His kindness, the atmosphere, and the way he treated me during the sign-up process gave me hope.
Training at the gym has helped me build mental toughness, thanks to my instructors, but I still have a long way to go, God willing. Jiu-jitsu has also made me feel like I have a family away from home, especially since I haven’t seen mine in three years. This journey has taught me that everything in life happens for a reason, and sometimes we’re on the right path—we just need to trust God and the process.
I know I have a far way to go on my journey but I know it will be worth it. OSS!
David Neil
Who am I ?
Martial Minds Academy
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