Welcome To Medicine Box!
Welcome to Medicine Box where our vision is equal parts medicine 🍄and mentorship to create full health sovereignty!
Hi! I'm Brian...First off, I’m HUMAN. I’m also a full-time lover of nature, a plant medicine advocate, a meditation teacher, a recovery coach with 10 years of sobriety, a guitar player, a reader, and a coffee lover. Oh, and I’m an entrepreneur!
Through my decade-long experience of sobriety from drugs and alcohol, I founded Medicine Box to help others achieve full health sovereignty through plant-based therapeutics and microdose products. As a humanist, I believe in a personalized approach to the human experience, but one that is still community-centric.
Besides building out my brand’s vision, I hike, ski, and meditate on the shores and mountaintops of North Lake Tahoe, CA. A ski bum at heart, I live by the mantra, "be a badass on and off the mountain."
  • Our vision is equal parts medicine and mentorship to create full health sovereignty through the 7 pillar wisdom of mindfulness, food, music, community, collaboration, and recovery while letting nature be the evolving medium weaving it all together.
  • We’re committed to making a real impact on the mental health and addiction crisis & be the catalyst for lasting change in people's health and happiness. 
Looking forward to getting to know you!
Who This Is For:
  • Parents, executives, entrepreneurs, and HUMANS who want an alternative solution for transforming their anxieties & renewing their relationship with the present moment
  • People who are open minded, are willing to take that extra step into the unknown and commit to a frequent and consistent practice to be the best version of themselves
  • You truly value your wellbeing and the wellbeing of those around you
  • Those who want to be accountable to their health and happiness
Who This Is NOT For:
  • Anyone seeking a “quick fix,” a magic pill or panacea 
  • Short-term thinking, instant gratification opportunists  
plural noun: opportunists
"a person who exploits circumstances to gain immediate advantage rather than being guided by consistent principles or plans."
  • People who believe that the world owes them something who never stick to anything long enough to see it to its full potential
  • Anyone not looking for true transformation in their lives or willing to make gradual shifts in their lifestyle through suggested practices ie “do the work”
  • People who just want to “heal” overnight, make all their problems go away without taking meaningful action for themselves.
The attached "6Cs of Medicine Box" are the values we stand by within our company culture, but also as a guidepost for group discussions when someone has the proverbial talking stick.
WE look forward to this journey together, with ALL of YOU!
In Equanimity,
Brian Chaplin
Welcome To Medicine Box!
Medicine & Mentorship
WE offer microdosing mentorship & products for mental health obstacles including anxiety, addiction, & depression
Products & Services
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