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I'm not against other genres, I just believe self-help books are LIFE CHANGERS. LITERALLY. ✨
❤️🩹 They have played a huge role in my personal growth, healing through loss, relationships, and discovering who I am to my core.
With a MEMBERSHIP you can expect:
- Scheduled live group hangouts on self-help topics or specifics from one of the books, & Q&A's. Or sometimes just a no agenda, go with the flow and let's hang out!
- Inspiration, motivation & accountability by discussing how the books impact you, with other members in the community via general discussion
- Level up by likes, reply's & commenting to earn 1:1 calls with me & unlock access to the next book
- Learn the top takeaways from each book so you can narrow in on what to focus on, and take it into the real world with you. Simplify and watch the magic transform within. 🪄
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