25d ago (edited) in DP-700
Spotlighted Content about DP-700
Last month's Fabric Influencers Spotlight has been released (check it out here ) and 2 blog posts among other great contents were DP-700 dedicated.
Here’s a link to them and some key points covered :
DP-700 checklist - by Kevin Chant
  • Microsoft learn collection for DP-700
  • DP-700 study guide compared to the learn collection
  • Some other recommended resources
What you should know about DP-700 Beta - by Sam Debruyn
  • How DP-700 compares to DP-203
  • Difference between DP-600 and DP-700
  • How to prepare - what to focus on and what to skip
Hope these resources help you prep better for the exam!
So, is anyone here planning on taking DP-700 soon? If you have any questions, feel free to leave them below, and we (aka the community) will do our best to help!
Mubaraq Abdulmaleek
Spotlighted Content about DP-700
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