As I mentioned on this weekends workshop, there are some BIG changes coming.
  1. I will be moving away from Monetized Life and focusing on building out a personal brand instead. With that, I will eventually be archiving this community and inviting all of you to join me in my new community. Comment below if you’re interested in coming along on that journey with me and have me send you an invite once I get that community set up.
  2. The podcast will be moving away from Monetized Life too and instead the podcast will be called “The Real Scott Weller Podcast.” The new podcast will still have TGIM and Drop It Like It’s Scott shows along with a couple other formats. When the time is right, I’ll make announcements in the new community about the new podcast.
  3. I also just wanted to take the opportunity to thank each of you for supporting the monetized life to date. It’s been an incredible ride and I’ve learned so much from each of you. However, it’s time to take the next step and shift into the next part of my journey. I’m looking forward to sharing each of those steps with you.
Let me know if you have any questions at all and I’d be happy to clarify anything I’ve mentioned here.
Happy Monday!
Scott Weller
Monetized Life
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