Words from someone who is not perfect
I know what it's like to fall,
I know what it's like to lose
I know what it's like to give everything you got and have it smashed too pieces by the will of the God's or by my own stupid mistakes
People say to me "oh Josh you have done so WELL in life, your doing great, I wished my life was as good as yours"
The reality is I go through so much PAIN everyday
I consistently look in the mirror and see my faults
I rarely want to get out of bed
My body hurts
My mental state is not always stable
I am not always consistent on the pursuit of my quests
I see where I went wrong
What I SHOULD have done...
Defeat is something I know all to well..
What has kept me going?
Why do I keep trying?
What is my why?
I want Power
Power to be FREE
Power to bend REALITY to my will
Power to protect those I LOVE
Power to FIGHT Evil
Power to be a MAN that my kids and wife will feel safe around
Power to say NO to what I do not want to do
I recently came to this conclusion with the help of my friends at a business meeting we had..
I never truly understood my why
I new I wanted to be free, I knew I wanted to be a provider, but POWER is the root of all of why I do what I do
This quote is truth, not your simple truths that are not really truths just simple beliefs.
NO, this is truth deep within the fabric of reality
The warrior's spirit will never die
Keep going my friend you have finely found your tribe
If you are struggling, I hope this quote sings to you and gets you out of bed and allows you to take the next step forward in your life
Work Hard, Make Your Ancestors & The God's. Proud!
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Joshua Cuthbertson
Words from someone who is not perfect
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