Welcome to MAK!
My Ausome Kid is the online community I wish I had when my son was first diagnosed in early 2020. Yes, right before most of the world went into isolation, my family had a whole new challenge to tackle...basically on our own. Having other folks to share my blocks, my wins, and just vent would have been a dream.
If you're comfortable doing so, please take some time to introduce yourself to the group. If you just want to be a fly on the wall for a while, that's cool too.
If you have any questions or need help finding resources feel free to reach out to me here, or by emailing MyAusomeKid@Gmail.com.
Rich DeCicco
Welcome to MAK!
My Ausome Kid
A place for parents who have a child on the autism spectrum. A safe place to share our challenges, share our wins, and grow together as parents.
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