馃New Name + New Logo!
Hey Everyone,
I've travelled back to Indonesia safely!
After being sleep deprived and jet lagged for a few days (even still at this moment of writing), I finally am working back on content creation and community building.
Any ways, here's the new logo I've worked on, and tbh it looks horrendous. I'll pay someone on fiverr to re-do my logo in the coming future, so don't worry about it.
AND, I've rebranded the community into the new "MDRN Entrepreneurs Circle", as the name is more fitting for what I aim to deliver.
Anyways, I'll see you later in today's Livestream (same time, just different place).
See you soon champs.
PS Here's a picture of my new setup.
Neilson Shangkala
馃New Name + New Logo!
The MDRN Entrepreneurs Circle
Learn tactical strategies on how to become the top of mind brand in your niche, for personal brands and businesses.
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