Now, don't get me wrong on this…
I know professional referers can work for some firms and advisors.
However, for me, this method of lead generation lacks one major component…
I see this similar to referrals from friends and family as a reactive method to grow a business.
Reactive in the way that you just have to take whatever comes your way.
Just because you can make money from something doesn't mean you should.
Taking on any bit of business that comes your way can quickly lead to complexity, resulting in you working your nose to the grind stone doing long hours, reduction in profit, and eventually burn out.
So what's the solution?
It takes the same amount of time to place a 1k client than it does a 5k client.
Which makes it a more productive use of your time to fill your calendar with 5k prospects rather than 1k prospects.
The beautiful thing about digital marketing is that you can put yourself in front of and build an audience of 5k prospects to build relationships and connections with these people.
When you serve a single customer profile that all share the same problems and desires, you get to learn exactly where to go to get them what they need and how to solve their problems quickly and efficiently.
This results in far fewer headaches, working less, earning more and ultimately more time to spend with your family and a better, more premium service.
And when you're able to offer a more premium service, you're able to charge a premium fee.
What are your thoughts? Agree or disagree?
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