✨ Welcome to NewPoint! Please Introduce Yourself ✨
To kick things off, we'd love to get to know you! Please create a new post using the "👋 Introduce Yourself" category and share:
1️⃣ Who are you, where are you from, and what's your entrepreneurial journey?
2️⃣ What excites you most about AI and its potential for heart-led businesses?
3️⃣ What do you hope to gain and contribute to this community?
4️⃣ For fun, what's your favorite way to recharge or find inspiration?
5️⃣ Drop a photo of your workspace or favorite thinking spot!
I'll go first...
Hey everyone! I'm Luis, coming to you from beautiful Brazil! 🇧🇷
  1. I've had quite a journey that's led me to create NewPoint. I started as a computer scientist and spent 8 years as a full-stack developer and cloud engineer. Then, I ran my own agency for 4 years, wearing all the hats from CEO to project manager to sales.
2. For the past two years, I've been deep-diving into AI research. What excites me most about AI is its power to amplify our impact as entrepreneurs. I believe AI can help us automate the mundane, freeing us to focus on what truly matters - creating value, fostering connections, and making a difference in people's lives. It's not about replacing human touch, but enhancing our ability to serve and innovate.
3. I created NewPoint because I want to explore how we can use AI to scale our impact, increase our profits, and find more freedom in our work - all while staying true to our values and purpose.
4. When I'm not geeking out over the latest AI developments, you can find me immersed in AR/VR gaming, pushing the boundaries of digital reality and creating art. I also love to ground myself through yoga and nature walks - finding that perfect balance between high-tech and high-touch living.
5. My office is pretty minimalist - just me, my laptop, and endless possibilities!
Now it's your turn! Create your intro post and let's start connecting!
Luis Hiluy
✨ Welcome to NewPoint! Please Introduce Yourself ✨
For leaders who want to leverage AI to scale their businesses faster, smarter, and with more freedom.
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