Anybody else skeptical about playlisting?
Now hear me out, I USED to be skeptical, but I decided to give submithub a try and was placed on 10 playlists ranging from 2k to 40k followers on them. I had a moment of “Wow this seems legit and will bring new fans in definitely overtime. Now fast forward to today, and I saw a post on a music lawyers account about how distrokid isn’t allowing ANY music marketing services including playlisting platforms like submithub, and they will most likely flag my song. Now I am once again skeptical about playlisting and it might risk the chance of even gaining legit traction with my single I’ve been focusing on promoting and successful gaining attention for. Am I being paranoid now, and if you were me would you just take the 50 dollar loss and tell the playlist curators not to playlist it, given that if the song is flagged and taken down, it will legit leave all the promoting and planning for nothing?
Jordan Ruiz
Anybody else skeptical about playlisting?
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