Growing Your Rental Portfolio: Solo or With Partnerships
When building a rental portfolio, you can either go solo or use OPM (Other People’s Money) through equity deals and partnerships to scale faster. While OPM helps you grow quickly, it also adds complexity and responsibility—especially when managing someone else’s hard-earned money. From my experience (with a Master’s in Taxation), I know how tricky partnerships can get with taxes, profit splits, and overall management.
I recently started a partnership with a close friend where we both put in equal capital and act as general partners. While I haven’t used OPM yet and prefer not to, I’m glad I started this partnership because it’s forcing me to learn how to structure one and handle the accounting process correctly. It’s been a valuable learning experience.
For those of you who have grown your portfolio using OPM or partnerships, what challenges and benefits have you encountered? Do you prefer the solo route, or has partnering been key to your success?
Drew O'Connor
Growing Your Rental Portfolio: Solo or With Partnerships
Next Gen Rentals
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