$1,000+ worth of business tools & training for free
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i. ChatGPT prompts & training to build your business
ii. Walkthrough of how I hire & train virtual assistants
iii. A personalized online business audit
iv. 1 on 1 call with me
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  4. Provide value by making posts & commenting.
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Post 1: Create a post introducing yourself, what your goal is & how you can provide value to the community.
Post 2: Create a post sharing the best piece of business advice you have ever received.
Post 3: Create a post sharing your favorite business book & why
Lastly, like & comment on 3 other people's posts.
Julian Sage
$1,000+ worth of business tools & training for free
Online Business Mastery
Free courses & coaching to making $10k/month by mastering online business. Visit the (Start Here) post to learn more.
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