Same-Day Sales Letter A.I. Now Available
Writing copy sucks.
It either:
  1. Takes forever.
  2. Doesn't convert like you want, or ...
  3. All of the above.
And that's why I made the Same-Day Sales Letter A.I.
It has FIVE brand-new A.I. bots that work together like a well-oiled machine to write your sales letter FOR you.
...In a single session.
And in ...ONE DAY.
It can even read your courses, books, existing copy, or whatever ...and then LEARN everything cool about your stuff ...and then write the sales letter about THAT.
Just like a professional copywriter would do ...except without the $25,000 fee.
After I made the system, I filmed a training for all my RainMakerAI users ...showing them how to use it.
And in the training you'll literally look over my shoulder as I use these exact same bots to write a complete sales letter from scratch, all in one sitting.
Like ...from blank page to kick-ass sales letter right there in front of you.
I use this stuff ALL THE TIME now ...
Because if you think about it ...the only thing that really stands in our way when it comes to selling stuff is the COPY.
And if we have MORE offers and MORE sales letters, emails, content, etc ...
We should make MORE dineros.
But the problem has always been ...actually writing this stuff.
Not anymore.
I've made the training available in the classroom section for a HUGE discount.
It's never been released except to people who are RainMakerAI insiders.
It's at the top of the page (in the middle) here:
Frank Kern
Same-Day Sales Letter A.I. Now Available
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