Lasts night Q&A was 🔥
Our bi-weekly Q&A last night with myself and Sully was probably the most value-packed one we had in a while
Lots of gems dropped including one interesting question we had (and maybe you can relate here)
One of the brothers was concerned about posting freelance content on LinkedIn since his network is mostly professionals in tech
But his main worry was what a lot of people think..." I don't want them to think im a grifter"
And to that, I replied with "Who cares?"
The sooner you stop caring about what people *might* think about you on LinkedIn, the sooner you see results
Your likes or comments rarely matter, the results you’re looking for are in the DMs
If you're struggling with LinkedIn, we've got a LinkedIn Mastery course in the Classroom section
It's free, BUT you need to level up to access it by making valuable posts and comments
Let me know in the comments if you're struggling with LinkedIn 👇
Shuayb A
Lasts night Q&A was 🔥
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