Webflow University
I'm diving as deep as I can with regular lessons on Webflow University to supplement everything we've learnt from sensei Shuayb on the 6 figure freelancer course, and I really recommend it. This one in particular will teach you in immense detail, how to build a client site, step by step. I'm about halfway through it, tabbing in and out daily and following along practically on a training site.
You could watch it and take notes, but I'm actually building the site in question as they go along, just to really ingrain the knowledge.
Here's the website you will be learning to build from scratch (zero templates) https://www.hayesvalleyinteriordesign.com/
After building the site, I see no reason why we shouldn't change/remix the name/logos/colour schemes etc, and adding it to our portfolio. I'm certainly considering it!
Mohamed Rezgui
Webflow University
The digital hub for guiding you to learn high-income skills including software engineering and freelancing
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