Our Theme, #MondayMotivation.
Almost 14 years ago when I escaped what I not so affectionately call "The Business from Hell" I came away with both an understanding that knowing what you DON'T want is just a valuable as getting clarity on what you DO want.
PLUS, I had built - over roughly 30 months of money-haemorrhaging, drama-filled, sleep-deprived extreme UN-fun - a formidable certainty of self and ability to Back Myself, that I rely on to this day.
Back Yourself 100% is my number one hard learnt lesson that I would share with debilitatingly shy teenager Kate (if she'd listen) and it relates to every aspect of your life.
From Business to your Body to any unhelpful Beliefs you want to upgrade.
If you have not yet experienced the sort of situation that forces you into a sink or swim attitude of self certainty then you can more calmly and enjoyably build an ability to Back Yourself with any of all of these actions:
1. Jot down (and consciously focus on) 3 reference points for success or things you did well each day.
2. Recall in as much detail and with as much emotional intensity that thing or that time, you did step up or learn a new skill or achieve something that had once seemed impossible or at the least, very challenging.
3. Decide now on something that stretches you and commit to take the steps to achieve it. You can consciously build your belief in yourself by one step at a time coming through for you and DOING what you say you are going to do. You can start this process TODAY by deciding on the next step even if you don't know ALL the steps. Odds on, with most things of value, you won't know all the steps before you start and even if you think you do, it's almost certain, they will change and you will need to adapt!
Curious to know, do YOU have a most valuable lesson you would share with your younger self?