Reaching out to potential guests
When emailing or Dm'ing potential guests, focus on the big idea and THEM. Not you.
Here are two emails. Which do you think works better?
Hey [Name],
I'm reaching out because I have an amazing podcast called A Look into Leadership, and I think you’d be lucky to be a guest on it. We delve deep into the lives of successful entrepreneurs, and I believe my audience would benefit immensely from listening to our conversation. I'm getting booked up fast, so let me know ASAP.
Hey [Name],
My name is Eric, and I'm the host of a podcast called A Look Into Leadership, where we talk to entrepreneurs about their achievements, and I saw your [thing they sell] on one of your Instagram posts and I would love to see if you wanted to come talk about it on the podcast. That [thing they sell] is definitely the kind of thing my listeners would buy.
And if there's anything specific you want to discuss, like [specific topic you know they would want to talk about], we can cover that as well! Let me know when you're available!
Neither? Give me your example
6 votes
Eric Howell
Reaching out to potential guests
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