Hey all! Q on monetization and sponsors, if anyone could help? I am not worried about making money from my podcast right now, this is my dream thing to do, and i know it will take a long time to get it into a sponsor position. How ever, i also would like to have a rough idea of how large the show would need to be in order to attract a worth while sponsor, that can believe in my show and help me grow, just so i have a goal to work towards. I have no courses or mentoring to sell, or any services or products to sell to the audience, none of that is my goal, i want to monetize purely from sponsors i believe in long term, how ever it would be great to have some clarity on what siz i need to be at in order to get one locked in. (i was about to join pod school pro but then realized it has no section on monetization so thought i would ask here, cheers!)