Prerequisite to Challenge your Exams
Good morning fellow Power Engineers.
I've recently received a response from TSSA (Ontario) stating that anyone new to power engineering can challenge their 4th-class exams without the need to complete an accredited course.
This was news to me! To my knowledge, the other jurisdiction that allows entry-level power engineers to challenge their 4th-class exams is TSASK (Saskatchewan).
This is a huge advantage to anyone too busy to attend in-person classes or who struggles with the unguided online programs offered by some colleges. Anyone in these provinces looking to break into the industry, can study the books and challenge the exams at their will!
  • Which province are you located in?
  • Are there prerequisites to challenge the 5th or 4th class exams in your jurisdiction/province?
  • What do you think of the requirement to complete an accredited course to be eligible to sit for these entry-level exams?
* Let me know if I made a mistake with the associated jurisdiction/province name
* Only 10 options available - Let me know if you are located in any of the terrirories
TSBC (Bristish Columbia)
ABSA (Alberta)
TSASK (Saskatchewan)
ITS (Manitoba)
TSSA (Ontario)
Quebec - mécanique de machines fixes
Newfoundland & Labrador
(SNB) New Brunswick
Nova Scotia
Prince Edward Island
14 votes
Jolan Dreyer
Prerequisite to Challenge your Exams
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