Welcome to the Community! I'm your host, Alexis Morgan!
For some context, I currently run a Private Money Lending Real Estate business out of Atlanta GA. My business generates seven figures of revenue every year and six figures each month. In June, I spent the whole month in a tiny European country working 2 hours each week and still made $30k that month after splitting profits with my business partners. This was the life I always dreamed of and I was able to go from nothing to the business I have now in less than 2 years. I want to show you how you can do the same. Weather you have some cash from a savings account, IRA, or line of credit OR you want to build a business, I'm here to help you get your FIRST private money lending deal.
This community will kickoff over the next few weeks. In the meantime, create a new post and introduce yourself and share a picture
  • Where are you from?
  • What do you want to get out of the group?
  • What is your passive income goal? ($/mo)
  • WHY do you want to start lending?
  • Respond to another community member.
I can't wait to meet and connect with you all. Be sure to connect with me on LinkedIn, Facebook, and more! hoo.be/alexisjmorgann
Alexis Morgan
Private Real Estate Lending
Learn how to build a passive income real estate business without ever having to BUY property!
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