Welcome to the Mindset Channel!
Happy Wednesday Everyone. This morning I’m reading Buy Back Your Time by Dan Miller. Reading and listening to mentors accounts for a lot of my success thus far! In the beginning it was watching YouTube videos, then I went to weekend events, then I started paying to join communities, and finally today I mentor others and own businesses with the people I look up to. I still read about 10-20 books a year depending how busy I am. Now I listen to a lot of podcasts as well.
Make a post in this discussion group “Mindset” on what has impacted your journey the most so far? Was it a mentor or coach that believed in you? Maybe it was a hardship you had to over come? Or even a decision that you wanted more out of life.
I can’t wait to read all of your stories. Sharing is caring. In this channel I will share some of the things that have a huge impact on me and the way I see the world.
Alexis Morgan
Welcome to the Mindset Channel!
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