The bloodline of any business is LEADS!📈
In the classroom tab, there is a short video on how to find leads for your PML Business!
Remember, this community exists to help you get your first PML Deal. In order to do so you need leads coming in, that is the FIRST STEP! Comment on this post, "NEED" or "HAVE" if you need leads still or have leads that need funding! If you HAVE, put what kind of deals you specialize in? (Market, Position, Average Amount, ETC)
Housekeeping Items
  • New Tabs on the Community Tab! 😆 "Available Deals" and "Beginner Questions" exists here in school. What are you main questions about PML? If you have available deals that need funding right now there's a tab for you! 💰 (Check out this tab as I currently have deals available!)
  • LEADERBOARD!🥇 On Sept 25th I will choose whoever is #1 on the leaderboard and give them a FREE virtual ticket to my upcoming PML Mastermind where decades of lending knowledge will be shared! You get points by engaging in the community, posting, comenting and watchign the classes! Extra leaderboard points if you share the community with a friend!❤️‍🔥 This is your opportunity to get a FREE ticket to this can't miss event!
  • Introduce yourself if you haven't already!
  • Watch the Finding Borrowers Video and Post 3 TAKEAWAYS
  • Take ONE Action Step Toward Finding Your Own Borrowers for PML Deals & Post What Action You Are Taking
Alexis Morgan
Private Real Estate Lending
Learn how to build a passive income real estate business without ever having to BUY property!
Leaderboard (30-day)
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