My Day is Boring...
I start most work days around 7:30 am, still in my pajamas, checking DMs that came from my colleagues in India or Europe. I answer any pressing DMs or emails that need immediate attention, then take my dog for her morning walk.
By 8:30 am, I'm dressed and have makeup on if I have a morning client meeting or meeting with my bosses. Otherwise, I get to work, still in pajamas. Yawn. First cup of chai tea for the day.
I answer more emails and make my to do list for the day, most often adding to the previous day's list. Answer DMs as they come in.
I do my best to block off time everyday to have uninterrupted hours to do revenue forecasting, look at hours billed by project team members (and let them know, in the nicest possible way, if they seem excessive to me), and have calls with team members to see how their tasks are going and whether they foresee any out of scope items or hours.
I also use this time to write project updates to supervisors and clients or file documents (I work in clinical research, which is heavily regulated--document submissions to our regulation-compliant document management system is a necessary thing to do for study quality and audit-readiness).
My days are full of interaction with dozens of people. So, as an introvert, I have learned to meditate and make sure that I check in with my feelings and body when I'm interacting with 100+ people/day, and I often do (more about the emotional side of project management in future posts).
Since I work remotely 100%, I usually sit in my living room up to 10 hours/day working, having meals, etc.
So, in some ways, my day is very relaxing, even boring. In other ways, it can be very exciting, even stressful sometimes. There are so many rewarding aspects of the job. My favorite part of the job is supporting my team members, and helping to make their days better. That's not boring at all!
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Stella Bell
My Day is Boring...
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