If You Are New to Skool
It is easy to log into Skool once and then forget about it. You don't know what you are missing if you do that. You will benefit enormously if you participate in our community.
So take a few minutes right now and do this:
  1. If using a computer - Bookmark the link to this community on your Google Chrome bar.
2. Use something like LastPass and save your login details.
3. Pin this community to the left side of your Skool page (settings, community, pin it).
4. Explore the tabs and you’ll understand how simple the tool is to use and navigate.
5. Get the Skool App on your phone.
6. Introduce yourself on the pinned welcome post and you’ll see a bunch of people like it, which will unlock level two and you can now post and make some new connections you could have missed out on.
7. Complete the training in the Classroom, it’s literally the key to millions of you take it serious enough and go all in.
As amazing as the content is here, I think what will be even more valuable over time are the people you’ll meet and the opportunities you’ll create with them.
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Jim Anderson
If You Are New to Skool
Psalmtree CEO Mastery
Join our community to master business leadership as the CEO of your small business. Intended for small businesses with under $30 mil. annual revenue.
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