Do the work.
Just because you watch every training, show up on every call, invest in books and bootcamps… doesn’t mean success comes by osmosis..
You still have to do to the work!!!
Luke 9:13 : Scripture says, pick up your own cross !!!
I see sooo many people complain about everything else, but their own work ethic!!!
Our systems work, our trainings work, our strategies work!!!
But the thing we can’t control, is you doing the work!
We had a member in our society get a 6 figure contract this year … from our teaching and trainings ! Nothing more, not one .. one on one meeting, no live trainings .. just the recordings !!
What’s your excuse ? What’s your reason? What’s your justification?
Do the work, and watch God do the rest!!!
Dr. Jake Tayler Jacobs
Do the work.
Private Small Business Society
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