Have you ever thought about how much your environment shapes your future? Here’s a quick exercise I share with my clients: First, ask your five closest friends what their five-year goals are. Then, dig a little deeper—ask them about the five-year goals of their closest friends. What you’ll discover might surprise you. The truth is, you’re not just a reflection of the five people you spend the most time with—you’re influenced by the mindset, habits, and ambitions of their circles too. In essence, you’re a product of 25 people, whether you realize it or not. This isn’t just about relationships—it’s about the “diet” you feed your mind and spirit. Who you surround yourself with matters. Are they chasing growth, purpose, and fulfillment, or are they stuck in cycles of complacency? 5 Steps to Start the Conversation • 💡Ask with curiosity:Approach your friends with genuine interest. Make it clear you care about their vision for the future. • 📖Take notes:Write down their goals to reflect on later and better understand the patterns in your circle. • 🔗Follow up on their connections:Ask them about their friends’ goals to see the broader influence. • 🔍Look for alignment:Notice if their goals inspire you or challenge your current path. • 🌱Share your goals too:Lead by example. It encourages an open, growth-oriented dialogue. Be mindful of who you choose to “diet” with, because your mental, emotional, and relational inputs determine your output. The people in your life either propel you forward or hold you back. Choose wisely. Your five-year future depends on it.