🚲Embrace the Climb, Just Don’t Stand Still
Ever heard that old Chinese proverb? "Be not afraid of growing slowly, be afraid only of standing still." It hits hard because it’s true. Growth can be daunting. It makes us wonder how it’ll change us. Will our friends still get who we are? Why can’t growth just happen overnight?
Here's the real deal: growth doesn't have an expiry date. We’re never “all grown up.” We’re constantly learning, evolving, adapting. And while it might feel like you need to speed through it, rushing can make you lose control—like a kid on a bike that’s way too big, just waiting to topple over.
You’ve got to keep moving. If you’re not pushing forward, you're just standing still, and that’s no way to live. Imagine an athlete trying to race on a bike that's too small. It’s ridiculous. They’re not going anywhere fast.
We all grow at our own pace, sure, but the key is that we keep growing. Make those changes. Adapt and improve. Because if you're not growing, you’re just spinning your wheels, and who wants to end up flat on their face because they were afraid to move forward?
Embrace your growth, slow as it may be. Just don’t stop. Keep climbing, keep pushing. That’s how you really make progress. That’s how you avoid tipping over—not by standing still, but by steadily moving forward.
1. What's really stopping you from levelling up in your life right now?
2. Tell me about a time you felt trapped in place. How did you break free?
3. Are you growing or just changing scenery? How can you tell the difference?
Adam Avignone-Green
🚲Embrace the Climb, Just Don’t Stand Still
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