🧗The Grit of Tenacity: Turning Rock Bottom into a Foundation for Growth
We've all had moments that knocked us flat. Burning bridges with friends, family, ending up in a cell, or missing out on life's big moments—all because addiction had us in a chokehold. Some of us have walked straight out of the hospital and back into the arms of our old habits. Every one of these low points could have been the end of the story.
But here you are, reading this, fighting the fight or maybe just starting to think about it. That's what tenacity is all about. It's not just hanging on for dear life; it’s about clawing your way back up, every time, no matter how hard you hit the ground.
Why is tenacity non-negotiable in recovery, and in life? Because getting back up time and time again declares loud and clear that our past doesn't get to write our future. Every setback, every mistake—they’re not just regrets. They’re fuel. They power us to push forward, to transform, to genuinely live differently.
Every low point has the potential to teach us something vital about who we are and what we’re capable of. Being tenacious means owning these moments, using them as the raw material to build a stronger version of yourself.
Think on this:
- How will you use your toughest times as the fuel to propel you to where you truly want to be?
Tenacity in recovery isn’t just about survival; it’s about thriving. It’s about creating a path forward with the full understanding that while our struggles are part of our history, they don’t have to determine our trajectory.
Don’t just passively let life happen to you. Use every piece of your past, every hard-earned lesson to power your journey forward. And never forget: you are resilient, you are capable, and you damn well deserve the life you’re fighting for.
Adam Avignone-Green
🧗The Grit of Tenacity: Turning Rock Bottom into a Foundation for Growth
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