🙏The Power of Self-Forgiveness
Doesn’t it just feel damn good to forgive yourself? Drop the fear and reluctance; it’s time to let that shit go. Forgiving yourself doesn’t mean you’re admitting defeat. It means you’re breaking free.
We pack on a ton of guilt as we hustle through life. Maybe you blame yourself for past screw-ups or how you've handled tough spots. Maybe you’ve been your own worst enemy, piling on self-resentment. And maybe, just maybe, you resist forgiving yourself because it feels like you're admitting you were all kinds of wrong. But not forgiving yourself tends to drag you back into those toxic patterns and crappy situations.
Forgiving yourself means you can walk away from the crap that drags you down. It means you can cut ties with relationships that suck the life out of you. It means dodging the endless loop of pain and grief. It’s about stopping the self-punishment over every real or imagined mistake.
Let go of holding your past errors like a sword over your head. You don’t need to deny yourself happiness, love, or peace. It’s way simpler to say, “I messed up. This isn’t right for me. I don’t like this. This is wrong.” Then, just forgive yourself.
Forgive yourself if you’ve screwed up. Forgive yourself even if you think you haven’t. Feel how freeing forgiveness is. Forgive yourself, and watch how it liberates you.
Adam Avignone-Green
🙏The Power of Self-Forgiveness
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