There are three touch points that I have always focused on in a prospect/client journey that present unique opportunities to establish how referrals flow within your relationships:
✔️ When you first meet the prospect- while I wouldn't suggest asking a prospect for referrals, meeting with a new prospect who was referred to you presents a opportunity to positively reinforce the referral behavior using the strategy in this video. When behavior is reinforced, the likelihood of it happening in the future increases.
✔️When you onboard the prospect as a new client- most advisors want to "wait" awhile in the relationships before they've delivered enough value to "deserve referrals". Again, I don't ask new clients for referrals, but I do have a conversation to understand how they feel about referring in the future (video to come soon).
✔️When a client has been with your firm for 12-18 months- once they've been a client for this period of time, I begin to implement the "Interactive Client Survey" process. This process covered in the classroom allows me to:
1️⃣ Gather feedback from client to ensure they are having an experience that is valuable enough that the client would take a risk and refer.
2️⃣ Educate and update the client on all of the services that are currently available to them and those they care about.
3️⃣ Let the client know if you have capacity to take on new clients, how many clients you have capacity for, and update them on your ideal client profile or clients "you help best."
4️⃣ Re-educate clients about the importance of introducing anyone who needs help vs. giving out your contact information.
5️⃣ Talk about any current referrals once I know it's comfortable for the client to discuss.
This video covers step 1, reinforcing the behavior of referring.