You Don’t Want Money
I’m going to preference by saying I am someone who is planning on massively growing my financial wealth. But I will say that the want for money is an illusion. Money is only representation of value.
If I told you. I will give you a million dollars. You’d most likely say yes. But if I added that in return you have to live on a deserted island by yourself for the rest of your life. Well that changes things.
There is story after story of people who got wealthy and absolutely hated their life. That shows that money doesn’t inherently make you happy. My finances are just a tool to what I REALLY want.
Don’t fall into the trap of basing your self worth on your net worth. What do you actually want in life?
Tanner Simpson
You Don’t Want Money
Rich Monk Society
The Rich Monk Society is about living a happy and healthy life at any level of your journey to financial freedom.
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