If I measure what’s missing, I will never be enough.
Because the measure, the focus, the aim, the intention of your attention will always determine what you find.
The focal point of your viewfinder will always determine the picture you create.
It’s a fundamental reality.
How you measure reality determines the reality you create in your mind.
Seek and you will find.
If your focus is on the “I don’t have enough” in your life, this perception will bleed.
You may not “have” enough, from an objective surface level view.
And if that’s the level of depth you choose to see your life from, fine.
But that external perception bleeds into your internal world perspective: on your self, others, and your future.
“I don’t have enough” quickly becomes “I am not enough.”
Because the focus of your attention always determines the quality of your reality.
It is the core factor on which the rest of your life is built.
A lot of these internal perspectives (concepts of self) are invisible to us: We can’t see the settings on the camera, because we’re in the picture. We’re in the current focus, current mindset, current program, and we haven’t looked at the camera’s settings, which influences how much light comes through the lens, the depth perception, the overall frame of things.
**btw this is why we meditate, pray, journal, train together, go psycho, etc. — we’re testing the settings.**
These concepts of self, when unexamined, become core limits in our lives. They’re the thermostat settings in our lives to which every data point in our field of attention will be adjusted to.
To put it simply, we’re talking about who you think you are on a deep, often subconscious level.
You must take command of internal self-talk, it is your job.
- Out of doubt and into faith
- Out of your weakness and into God’s strength
- Out of your head and into God’s vision.
There is a constant battle for your mind, every second of the day.
The voice of truth vs the voice of fear: telling you how you need to be stronger, smarter, funnier, richer, prettier, thinner, cooler, nicer, etc. This voice is focused on everything you’re missing, all the places you fall short.
— enter part x and the idealized self/snapshot —
we compare ourselves to an idealized version of ourselves we set in order to protect ourselves from the pain of reality, whether it’s by people pleasing, trying to be perfect and win at everything, getting attention, or just entirely leaving the scene and numbing out.
If I was the opposition, and I knew somebody on the other side had great powers and great purpose, I would plant as much bullshit propaganda in their head and in the world around them to keep them from ever tapping into those powers. I would run apparently small, subtly negative, automatic reactions in their head to keep them talking themselves out of challenge, out of their calling, out of happiness, out of their vision in life.
There’s that inner voice—I call it The Enemy, Phil Stutz calls it Pt. X—it’s the voice of worthlessness, weakness, lack, excuses, failure, self-hate, shame, embarrassment, and ultimately fear. It creates a negative expectation that isn’t just “anticipating failure and challenge,” but internalizing these failures and challenges as a permanent branding or punishment on a subject that is unworthy of anything better in life. This could be happening in any area of your life: your health, body, finances, career, friendships, love life, and so on.
This voice will create a never ending list of needs that must be fulfilled in order for you to be acceptable and worthy of love, success, and abundance in this life. It’s a giant list of “shoulds” that you have to be in order for you to move on to the next stage in your life.
..had to break the flow and be honest..
If you’re talking but not integrating, you’re probably just reacting. It means that everything up until this point in your life, subconsciously, has been occurring without true self-direction.
This is what happened to me with weed. Executive function failure. And for ADHD tendencies, this is death of the dream, because we need direction as hyperactives. If we do not fuel our relentless drive for more with a single focal point, we diffuse the fire with drugs, alcohol, porn, sex, partying, and other substances.
It’s like those hunting dogs. If they’re not challenged every day with enough consistency, they lose their drive, become depressed, and start digging random holes in the backyard.
They will go crazy.
Same applies to you.
If we don’t have that one thing which every side quest revolves around, we lose our purpose. We lose the edge. We feel depressed during times we used to feel charged, and anxious when we used to feel peace. Maybe these positive energies are entirely foreign to you if you’ve been running the old reactivity for so long.
We need that one thing to ADHD out to, to hyper act on, hyper focus, hyper think, hyper build, hyper feel on. If we do not find this, we just find distractions to numb the pain of untapped restless energy.
Direction is key. It is your job to take command of the direction of...
- your thoughts,
- your creative energy,
- your attitude (which way you lean into life—offense or defense, proactive aggressive or reactive depressive),
- your generative drive (the contribution and social influence that drive you),
- your daily actions and priorities,
- and your interactions with others.
“I am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing.”
— John 15:5
Your legit Highest Self is the Self that your Source created and conceptualized before the beginning of time and before the foundations of the earth. You were an idea in God’s mind before you entered this dimension on this planet. That was an infinite, perfect idea.
This doesn’t mean you have to be perfect, it just means that there is perfection inside of you. There is this innocent, unstained, pure, blissful, expansive, infinite version of you that knows no fear, and holds no limits on what is possible.
You come from an infinite God. You’re meant to express this infinity as a transcendental, celestial work of consciousness, even as you’re contained in a finite body.
As long as you’re running from your life and hating yourself for it, you can’t live in the infinite potential God gave you.
Instead of hating yourself, rejecting yourself, or excusing yourself, you must reprogram your mind to accept your true Self — the one God formed before you breathed your first breath. That is who you’re meant to be. You won’t always live in perfect alignment, but “[His] grace is sufficient for you” and “[His] power is made perfect in weakness” (2 Corinthians 12:9-10). Therefore, even when you are weak, you are infinitely strong. Your weakness is God’s window to demonstrate His infinite Loving Kindness and power.
through which divine truth, power, and grace may flow that all may be uplifted and see the goodness of God.
Our human frailties don't disqualify us from being valuable in this world—rather, they become the very means through which God's strength is manifested.
You don’t need to attach to every insufficiency in your life and internalize it. That is what The Enemy wants because that’s where you’ll talk yourself out of the mission.
Why do we internalize the losses and not the wins? Because we’re measuring what’s missing as we attach to the idealized self—the snapshot—of what we think we need to be in order to be acceptable and worthy in this life, (not realizing God already handled that), and instead choosing our own way of finding worth.
Whenever you seek worth outside of God, you’re always disappointed. Nothing but your source can satisfy you at that deep level you’re looking for.
There is a God-sized hole in your heart that can only be filled with God-sized love. There is a God-sized vision for your life that can only be fulfilled in a God-sized way of life.
But if our focal point, if our viewfinder is always trained on this distant future we can’t even see clearly—that might not even happen, and is based on fear and our insufficiencies—we will entirely miss the great calling God has for our life’s story, every breath, thought, vibration, and action.
In a sense, you are the problem and the solution. It all starts inside of that viewfinder. And before that, it started with the source of all the materials that created the person (Source).
We come from Source—God—but we get disoriented in this world and our sights become warped.
Attaching every external insufficiency to your internal measuring stick is how you create a reality of lack, labels, unworthiness, shame, and lies.
external thing attached to internal concept of self (usually unconsciously) = insufficiency.
Attaching identity to outcome is the worst mistake you can make for your confidence.
It means you’ll never believe in yourself until you achieve the goal or have the things you think you’re supposed to have…
Until you have the six figure business, the millionaire status, the six pack abs, the Ferrari, you are a failure, you are in the status of : “not successful.”
In reality, success and failure are actually gradual processes that occur independent of external circumstance, social acceptance, or current achievements and outcomes.
You’re either slowly building up, or slowly decaying.
And all it takes is 5 seconds for negativity and doubt to sink into your subconscious and begin the decaying process.
If you are dependent on the external outcome for the internal conviction and belief—the mindset that says “I can figure this out, I am enough, I am going to win”—then you’ll never be free.
If you’re going to sit there with this long list of attachments and needs that must be supplied before you can go, you won’t go—because those extra things aren’t coming.
Nobody’s “coming.”
God has still given you everything you need for the season you’re in.
You already have enough.
You only need to trust and operate every day in the abundance he’s given you, and within the calling he’s anointed upon your life.
Your sense of worth is constantly under attack by a world that doesn’t know the new you—that has no idea who you truly are and what you’re capable of.
God isn’t running out of resources.
He is abundance.
You are already accepted by God.
You are already enough.
Not the idealized, impossibly perfect snapshot of yourself that will never exist.
You. This moment. Today.
Christ really is in me, I really am all good, enough, right now.
Are you seeing yourself through God’s vision or your old vision?
Put the divine lens on today.
You’re not done changing, but at your core, you are who you need to be because you’re the handiwork of God. He made you on purpose. That is the version you need to accept because that’s the one God made.
You’re more than what you think you’re missing.
You are defined by the “I am” that lives inside you and works through you day to day.
God chose you. You have nothing to prove, nothing to fear, nothing to lose.
You can’t lose it because you’re not the one carrying it.
God is.
So you have everything you need, with nothing to lose—because you can’t lose it—and nothing to prove—because you can’t earn it.
you already have it.
God sees all the potential in you.
He sees the gift and the grace he’s put in you.
The question is whether you’ll put on that same mind and set it on God-mode, or run around with your head on fire trying to earn the approval of men.
You choose.
Righteous Grind,
-- Dittmar