Reverse Pyramid Hypertrophy Program (30 Minute Sessions)
This A/B day format program is designed for hypertrophy using Reverse Pyramid Training (RPT). The goal is to maximize strength and muscle growth in just 30 minutes per session, focusing on key compound lifts that provide the best results for body composition improvements. This program is especially suited for busy individuals, such as middle-aged moms, who want to enhance their body composition and strength in a time-efficient manner.
Weekly Format:
  • Week 1:
  • Week 2:
Lift A Day:
Focus: Upper Body Push & Lower Body Squat
  1. Bench Press (RPT):
  2. Squats (RPT):
  3. Overhead Press (RPT):
  4. Plank:
Lift B Day:
Focus: Lower Body Pull & Upper Body Pull
  1. Deadlifts (RPT):
  2. Bent-Over Rows (RPT):
  3. Goblet Squats (RPT):
  4. Russian Twists:
Key Points:
  • Warm-up: Always do light warm-up sets before starting your heaviest work sets.
  • Intensity: Start with your heaviest set when your muscles are fresh. Gradually reduce the weight while increasing reps for subsequent sets.
  • Rest Between Sets: Aim for 90-120 seconds rest between sets to allow enough recovery but keep workouts under 30 minutes.
  • Form and Tempo: Prioritize proper form and controlled tempo to maximize muscle activation and avoid injury.
  • Progressive Overload: Gradually increase the weight each week if you can still hit the prescribed rep ranges.
Active Recovery:
On active recovery days (walks, yoga, or light stretching), focus on keeping your body moving while allowing your muscles to recover. These days are critical for preventing burnout and keeping your body fresh for the lifting days.
Why This Program Works:
  • Efficient Use of Time: Focusing on compound lifts like squats, bench press, and deadlifts hits multiple muscle groups, maximizing the results in just 30 minutes.
  • RPT for Hypertrophy: Starting with your heaviest sets maximizes strength gains, while the volume in the lighter sets helps with muscle growth.
  • Balanced Workouts: Push/Pull methodology ensures both upper and lower body are trained evenly, preventing muscle imbalances.
  • Perfect for Busy Schedules: This program is ideal for individuals with limited time who still want to see significant improvements in strength and body composition.
Starting out
In Week 1, you need to find your One-Rep Max (1RM) for the lifts in this program. I recommend using the following format to max. Warm-up: 1 set of 5 reps at 50% of your estimated 1RM
Set 2: 3 reps at 70% of your estimated 1RM
Maxing: Perform 1-rep singles, increasing the weight by 5-10% until you find your 1RM.
Here’s an example of a Max Week Schedule: On Monday max your Bench and Overhead Press Tuesday rest Wednesday Max your Squats Thursday rest Friday Max Deadlifts and Bent over rows.
After Maxes are obtained and recorded, Start with the following loading scheme:
Warm-up: 1-2 light sets
Set 1: 4-6 reps @ 80-85% 1RM (Heaviest set)
Set 2: 6-8 reps @ 75-80% 1RM (Reduce weight)
Set 3: 8-10 reps @ 70-75% 1RM (Further reduction)
Moving forward:
Then set a goal that every other week (at a minimum) you increase weight or add a rep. If you can do that from workout to workout, please do! Training intensely will aid you in muscle growth, strength development, and fat loss!
I recommend following this lifting scheme for 1 month! Then re-assessing your progress with new maxes!
Parker McCumber
Reverse Pyramid Hypertrophy Program (30 Minute Sessions)
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