My Personal Coming to Christ and the Christian Faith
My testimony is quite long but inspiring. 2 years ago I was miserable. Still struggling with addiction, lost, feeling dead inside, very unhappy, and had no purpose or meaning in life. I had nothing left I would almost say. One day my minister from my upbringing that I hadn't seen in a while stopped by at the house as it became apparent to the people around me that I was on my way out or this was going to be my life. My minister and I talked and he told me about the power of prayer. He also said that God loved us for who we are, and that hit me as I had done A LOT of harm to people in my past. I began to pray later that day or the day after. I didn't know what to say, how to pray, how to end it, but it was a very odd experience the first time. I tried a second time and it may have been the most emotional experience I have had, in which afterwords I had felt genuine peace for the first time in years. John 6:37 "The one who comes to me, I will most certainly not cast out." Matthew 11:28 "Come to me all who you are heavy weary and burdened, and I will give you rest." After this my life has been full of prayer, and slowly talking to God more and more. However there has been no shortage of temptation and falling short to sin. The devil has devoured me through spiritual warfare. It wasn't until I fully committed my life to Christ and actually was preached the gospel more than once that I was saved. I do not live in fear anymore. My mission is to now spread the gospel through online fellowship, ministry and evangelism. We all must do the will of our FATHER who is in heaven! I live with the holy spirit of Jesus Christ! CHRIST IS KING!
Please share your testimony. I would love to hear it!
Chase Holmes
My Personal Coming to Christ and the Christian Faith
Saints United
This will be a group where Christians can come together in online fellowship, while reflecting on god's perfect word together!
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