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Do this to 2x the amount of sales you close
Even my colleagues who have 20+ years of sales experience don’t know this I always hear sales people, after they couldn’t close a deal, say things like “damn i lost the sales towards the end when I said this thing sloppily”. Or things along those lines You think whether you close or not is predicated on what words you’re saying, remembering scripted responses, and inflecting your tonality. But it’s not, let me explain.. A sales person is a professional problem solver. We come up with unique and creative solutions to problems people experience, and we get paid more by being more creative and better at solving these problems than any one else. The way you consistently get almost everyone to buy from you and become an easy person to service in the future is if you cause them to have a sudden moment of realization that your product or service is the exact solution they need compared to any other option. They might even say things like “ahhh! That makes sense!” In a way that you can tell a light bulb just went off in their head. There’s a specific way you do this too and it’s replicable. The purpose of the qualification stage in the sales process is not only to make sure they fit your preferred clientele avatar demographically, but to get an extremely deep understand about what about their current problem is that is keeping them up at night, what other problems they have on their to do list that makes their restless night worse, and what exact steps they need to implement in order to resolve and move into bigger things and better things. This is super important to know in the qualification stage preferably before presenting. If I can’t get these answers from someone, no matter how hard I pry, and then present anyway without this key info, even if I close I’m highly hesitant that they’ll stick around for long. But if you truly understand the problem and solution they’re going through, you’re able to articulate the things they should do but also shouldn’t do in order to implement, in a middle school level vocabulary explanation, slowly, trial closing along the way, slowly peeling back objections concerns and questions… you can cause the prospect to had a sudden moment of realization, an epiphany, that this is the solution they need.
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