The action takers way to close 1-2 deals next week
Hey all,
JP dropping in with a poke on a Friday afternoon on how to get an extra few deals through the door before the end of the month.
Read to the very end and execute on this over the weekend for a fast revenue injection!
Let's hop in!
What you're about to read is the 5-7 day engagement campaign framework we use to extract an extra 1-2 deals from our CRM.
We like to execute these direct-response social, email, and text campaigns every 90 days (based on lead flow) to push fence-sitters over the edge.
These are perfect for helping you hit your quarter revenue goals or testing new marketing angles.
Here's the simple FIVE-step framework we use:
(((drop #actiontaker below for additional assets to execute on this over the weekend)))
✅ Step ONE – Call out your ideal client avatar (your best client success story)
Start by listing out the top 5-10 characteristics of your ideal client:
How much is their product or service?
What niches do they work in?
What problem do they solve?
How much do they make annually?
How big is their team?
Getting crystal clear on your ideal client avatar is super important – don't be afraid to niche down here.
✅ Step TWO: Create 1-2 days of storytelling-based emails
The purpose of the first two pieces of content is to pass forward the knowledge of why you built your new offer.
Where were you before?
What were your biggest challenges?
What problems did you witness during your adventure?
How did you overcome the big problems you went through?
How did you help other people find success with what we're doing?
Think of this as the foundation that builds up intrigue, anticipation, and hype about the big news you'll be dropping.
✅ Step THREE: Soft launch your offer
Make your big announcement about the release of your offer.
We like to execute our soft launch 3-5 days before our deadline.
Now you might be thinking this isn't enough time but we've proven over and over again the more time
you give someone the less action they will take.
So make sure to create FOMO around your release!
✅ Step FOUR: Two hard calls to action pieces of content that include your offer stack and what your leads will get.
Here's where you really build in the urgency and scarcity... ACT NOW!
Go all in on selling here...
These pieces of content should be short, direct, and to the point.
✅ Step FIVE: Doors close and final offer
Close your offer down and don't let anyone in if they miss the deadline...
By taking the time to master your engagement campaigns you'll not only increase your revenue.
You'll also have an evergreen asset that you can pull off the shelf, make small tweaks to every quarter, and test new offers around.
#actiontaker if you want additional assets to execute on this framework over the weekend.
I'm happy to pass over a template to get you some additional deals closed before the end of the month.
Have a great weekend,
Jonathan Ploransky
The action takers way to close 1-2 deals next week
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