Welcome to our NEW Skool community, Sell High Ticket Live!
(If you haven't seen our Welcome video, head over to the classroom to watch it first!)
I’m so excited you’re here! If you’ve been a part of my world before, you already know that this community is all about action. If you’re new, buckle up—this group will change how you sell high-ticket offers and make live events your most powerful sales tool.
This isn’t just another community—this is a space for ambitious coaches and experts ready to level up their live events and consistently attract high-ticket clients. We’re focused on real results, $30K+ launches, and creating sustainable sales with less hustle.
Here’s What You Can Expect:
💰 High-Value Training at every level to help you master live video events that bring in premium clients.
🎤 Live Workshops and networking events that teach you how to leverage live events, presentations, and masterclasses for big-ticket sales.
🎯 Monthly Mindset and Sales Psychology Coaching to help you think (and sell) like a high-ticket expert—because when your mindset is right, the money follows.
🚀 Challenges & Contests to push you outside your comfort zone and help you implement what you’ve learned.
💬 Engaging Threads and collaborative discussions designed to give you feedback, insight, and breakthroughs on your offers, mindset, and sales presentations.
Community Guidelines:
This is a place for serious entrepreneurs ready to take their live events and sales strategies to the next level. It’s not a pitch-fest, but it’s also not a place to stay quiet about what you do.
Here’s what we do:
✅ Engage, add value, and contribute to discussions. The more you give, the more you’ll get out of this group.
✅ Share your wins, ask for feedback, and be open to learning from others. This group thrives on collaboration.
❌ No cold DMs. Build real relationships first. If you’re spamming, you’ll be warned. Keep it classy - we’re all here to grow.
Your Journey Starts Here:
The goal of Sell High Ticket Live is to help you master the art of live video events to consistently generate $30K+ in sales from your $3K+ offers. Every resource, training, and conversation here is designed to help you scale to the next level.
🔥 Want to get started? Drop an emoji or comment below and let us know what your big goal is for your business! The energy in this group is contagious, and we want to celebrate and support your wins. Let’s get to work and make those $30K months your new normal!
Let’s make this happen. Welcome to the next level of your business! ✨
Complete action
Theresa Lang
Welcome to our NEW Skool community, Sell High Ticket Live!
Sell High Ticket Live
Make Your Next $30K with Live Video Events: for Coaches and Experts Selling High-Ticket Offers with Live Events, Masterclasses, and Workshops ✨🎥
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