Challenge Question of the Week: What is the difference between a Tyrant and a Leader?
The challenge question of the week is going to be a new feature to spark thought, discussion, and practical application in our lives. I will post the question weekly. Feel free to share your thoughts, a quote, Bible verse, or full in-depth response.
If someone says something you like or find insightful, give it a like. I will take the comment with the most likes by Saturday night and repost it to the general discussion thread.
The Challenge Question for this week is: What is the difference between the good leader and the tyrant?
Some examples to think about;
Moses vs Pharaoh
David vs. Saul
Joseph vs. His brothers
Cain vs. Abel
Captain America vs. Red Skull (or Thanos)
Mufasa vs. Scar
Aragorn vs Sauron
Gandalf vs Saruman
and ultimately Jesus vs Satan.
What are the things that differentiate them?
Alec Neff
Challenge Question of the Week: What is the difference between a Tyrant and a Leader?
Shepherd Men
A group of men trying to sharpen their mind, body and faith in order to serve God and serve others.
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