May 6 (edited) in Dreams
MTV: Massive Transformative Vision
Growing up in poverty in the 1950's & 60's, I faced more dream squashers in my life than people who believed in possibilities. I was bullied and ridiculed for my big dreams by my own family. It was hard, but I persisted in believing. Some of my dreams were pretty outrageous, too, like I dreamed of going to OZ or being an astronaut. Then, when President Kennedy and later Dr. Martin Luther King were assassinated, I was led to believe it was because they were dreamers. I was too young and gullible to know any better, but it scared me.
Later, after many years of hard work, I became a competitive gymnast, but I didn't have the courage to believe I could compete in the Olympics. No one in my family dared dream that big either.
It wasn't until I left home and joined the military that I resumed dreaming big. I got to meet Stevie Nicks when she was still unknown, who ignited my creativity with a few encouraging words.
After that, I started reading inspirational books (long list) and following positive thought leaders.
I still didn't have the kind of guidance I needed to break out of the mold my parents made for me. That took another ten years of mindset readjustments, but luckily, I made extremely good progress developing and chasing my dreams after 1980.
My quantum leap came about as we approached the year 2000 - when I dared to push the outer limits of my dreams and began really believing in myself and my potential.
Long story short, I'm in my late 60's now and I've had a very exciting and adventurous last 25+ years. I feel a little resentful when I think how much further I could have gotten if I had had a good mentor or positive guidance in some form or other earlier in life.
I tell you my story (my WHY) so you would understand my VISION ( my WHAT) which is to live in a world where people are encouraged and empowered to follow their dreams.
HOW I do that is by following through on individual dreams and goals.
If you don't know what to your vision or mission is, but feel called to work on it, reach out and let's chat. I'm looking to mentor a new handful of people to dream bigger. This isn't mere goal setting. This is moonshot development!! Need help?
Lisa Ketring
MTV: Massive Transformative Vision
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