Jim Rohn was my first live event in personal development.
He repeated several times:
"What you lack is what you need to work on."
He wasn't talking about money.
He was talking about skills.
Where are people lacking?
- Confidence
- Control
- Commitment
- Patience
If you lack Confidence, people don't believe you.
Without confidence you can't build conviction.
If you lack Control, you "push & pitch" which repels people.
If you lack Commitment, it means you are not willing to do the practice. You must commit to do the work before the work so you can create Buying Conversations.
If you lack Patience, you are being way too hard on yourself.
You are likely comparing yourself to others and that steals you of something important in life: JOY.
Where are you lacking?
- Confidence
- Control
- Commitment
- Patience
Take Jim Rohn's advice and go acquire what you lack.
All you have to do now is choose to do something about your lack, and ask for help. When you do, things will change for you!