Why you're not getting more business and speaking gigs...
I recently asked in our Facebook community this question:
How many speaking gigs have you earned by being a part of this community?
I have had 2 comments that I was stoked, to see, and two that concerned me.
jumped in and shared "I'll have to add the exact number... Easily 20"
Shared this "...Marianne encouraging me to choose a date for that first Power Within event in May... I launched a daily Power Call, The Power Within Podcast, and Power Nights. I also started the Heart Centered Speaker Network on Skool, which has grown to over 110 members ... I’ve spoken at three teen events, delivered three concert keynotes, competed in three speak-offs (earning 2nd place), and been featured on eight podcasts—three from this community and five from others. Just this week, I received three more podcast invitations. This journey keeps building, and I can’t wait to see what’s next!"
These ladies are killing it!
At the same time, there were two comments that concerned me.
One was "none" and the other was "I want to get my first gig"
When I dove into these comments, HERE WAS THE CONVERSATION that worried me most.
Them: "I want to get my first gig"
Me: "What do you speak on?"
And here's where it got concerning:
Them:"I can speak on a lot of things if I have a topic I can do the research on it or even motivation"
Why is this a problem?
We don't know why we should listen to you if we don't know what you're saying.
If you are not clear on STEP ONE of the 11 step process, then you will feel like you'd doing a lot of bsy work, without getting any traction.
Share below:
  1. What do you Speak on?
  2. Did you create your own stage for it?
Let's work on this together.
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Marianne Hickman
Why you're not getting more business and speaking gigs...
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